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Showing posts from March, 2020

Respect the Black Woman

*The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman.                                              -Malcom X The anger I feel when I am disrespected seeps past this life time into another from generations ago. The sadness I feel is the sadness of not just my own. The pain I feel is the collective pain of us all. There hasn't been a time in this country's history when the disrespect of the Black women hasn't been justified by the stereotypical characteristics attributed to us. We are defined and named as attitude, criminal, promiscuous, and most frequently, angry. For years, nothing could be done. We could only endure as we were enslaved, raped, beaten, killed and insulted. In this time as we continue to fight for equality, it is hard to not be discouraged the moment we fall victim to disrespect and nothing is done. Society sits quietly while recognizing an injustice. We look around for the appropriate consequences to take effect or even just someone