The inspiration to start the brand came from her many visits back home. With each trip back from Ghana, an overweight suitcase full of custom made pieces is sure to follow. "I really enjoy the process of creating stand out items that aren't like everyone else's but rather made from my unique perspective" she passionately exclaims. As the fashion authority, friends and family of Amissa seek her out for fashion related advice."I found myself advising my sister and relatives about which fabrics to pick and which styles would suit them."
I asked her to walk me through her thought process when selecting these gorgeous one of a kind pieces. When choosing a fabric or designing a style, Amissa answers the question, what would I wear? She also considers the many different ways each piece can be worn and styled. "How I might rock the Kae Me shirt is going to be very different from how my sister would rock it. Everyone has their own flare." With that considered, she provides the room for clients to incorporate their individual styles to create a #lewk.
The newest collection Gye W'ani, will snatch your edges Honey! My absolute favorite pieces from the collection are the Addai headwraps. Each piece from Amissa's Closet is authentically Ghanaian. *Amissa's Closet provides a unique opportunity to share with the world select items and clothing that represent the boldly, unapologetic passion and spirit of Ghana through fashion and style.
Use my discount code 'ASHANTIGYAL', so you can casually slay the Ghana way!
Addai 2 headwrap
How gorgeous is this model in the Addai 9 headwrap
You can do no wrong in the Kae Me shirt
Slaying in the Bekoe skirt! Yasss ladies!
Abrantie 2 & Abrantie 4 mens shirts. I see you Kings!
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